Saturday, October 16, 2010

I need to get this out.!


You hurt me so much, and didn't care. You still don't care, despite everything I did for you, everything I gave up and lost through being with you, despite the moths of utter hell you put me through. Its still ME sitting here wishing YOU'D call, blaming myself for all the bad things you did, and then picking up the phone, just for you to say all these horrible things about me and telling me about how amazing your life is without me...

And back to square one I go. Every time, I insist on demeaning myself by begging you for another chance. Despite the fact we finished because of YOUR completely unnacceptable behaviour. And every time, you tell me "no", and go on about how much better your life is without me "bitching at you" all the time, and about how you can "flirt with whoever you want" now.

While you're happy and getting on with your life, I'm in absolute bits. I'm not sleeping or eating. I'm randomly bursting into tears in inappropriate places.

You've taken everything from me, and I'm terrified I'll never get back to being "me". The real me. The happy me. The "me" I was before I met you, and you ruined my life.

But this time, I won't be phoning you again. No more. For my own mental well-being.

I'm going to add this page to my favourites, and read my comment every time I feel weak. Every time I remember the good times, but my head still drags them up.

Every time I torture myself thinking of you happy with that girl you are now, I'll read this. You didn't do anything to make me happy. You don't give a crap about me.
The sooner I learn to deal with that, the better.

Oh. And screw you!

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